Holistic Beauty Secrets: Why I Choose Facial Acupuncture Over Botox
As I’ve gotten older I appreciate more and more the visible signs of growth on my face. When I look at pictures of myself before having kids and afterwards, I see a transformation in my identity, my sense of self, and a few more lines from the demanding nature and lack of sleep involved in raising little ones.
While I feel blessed and grateful every day for my family, I also want to feel and look vibrant, rested, and empowered. As I am coming out of the fog of having babies, I think it truly matters to put on my own oxygen mask first. By taking care of myself, I am not only filling my own cup and feeling more joy and fulfillment, but I am also modeling the importance of tuning in to myself.
As an intuitive healer and acupuncturist, it's important that my self care and beauty routines are holistic and natural. This is why I truly love offering Therapeutic Facial Acupuncture treatments. This alternative to Botox is a subtle yet powerful mind-body-soul-facial revitalization. Not only do I treat the face, but I also address internal imbalances. If we are stressed, not paying attention to the food we eat, not sleeping enough, and living with physical pain, all of this will show up on the face. Poor digestion is often linked to acne breakouts and rosacea because of the strong microbiome connection between gut health and skin health.
Amazingly, many of the points on the face are on the Stomach channel, so the ancient Chinese Medicine practitioners definitely knew about this connection! The great news is that acupuncture treats internal conditions and our resiliency really well. This medicine has had to be successful or it wouldn’t still be around thousands of years later.
As it turns out all those thousands of years of wisdom can help us find the fountain of youth too! Specialized facial acupuncture treatments can soften the signs of aging in just a few sessions without harmful chemicals or invasive surgery.
Unlike toxic and risky treatments like Botox, facial acupuncture helps facial muscles to relax naturally. Stress and chronic tension can cause muscles in the jaw and face to stiffen creating the appearance of lines and wrinkles. With facial acupuncture these muscles are supported to let go of years or even decades of tension. It’s basically like pressing the reset button for the muscle. The muscles that are too contracted will unwind and allow the bone structure to fall back into its optimal alignment.
Since we are upright and have the weight of gravity always pulling us down, addressing the muscles themselves can make a lasting improvement in the facial structure. While Botox freezes the muscle and then will wear off making the muscle weaker over time, facial acupuncture is working to maintain the integrity of your muscles and help them stay hydrated, relaxed, and lifted against gravity.
The most nourishing and relaxing part of the treatment is the facial massage. The end of these treatments includes either a facial massage with facial cups or gua sha tools to smooth everything out and support the flow of blood and lymph. By moving fluids out of the face, this treatment is very effective at treating sinus congestion and allergies. When you book a session with me I intuitively sense what your body needs to support rejuvenation on all levels. You also receive acupressure and craniosacral therapy to close out your session and leave you feeling glowing and light, and you’ll look it too!
If you are looking for natural and effective alternatives to Botox or other harsh facial treatments, facial acupuncture may be the perfect solution for you. Book a free consult to learn more about the best Therapeutic Facial Acupuncture Treatment Plan for you.
Deadman, P., Al-Khafaji, M., & Baker, K. (2016). A Manual of Acupuncture. Journal Of Chinese Medicine Publications; Vista, California.
Gabi Curbelo is a licensed acupuncturist in Albany, CA specializing in therapeutic and intuitive treatments for wellbeing, musculoskeletal pain management, and facial concerns.